The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized a symposium on steel industry policy revision

29 Jan.,2024

In order to implement the steel industry adjustment and revitalization plan and accelerate the adjustment of the steel industry structure, on November 3-5, 2009


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In order to implement the steel industry adjustment and revitalization plan and accelerate the adjustment of the steel industry structure, on November 3-5, 2009, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized steel companies, local industry authorities and experts in Beijing to hold the "Steel Industry Development Policy" Revise the symposium. Invites Shi Qirong, consultant of China International Engineering Consulting Company, Yin Ruiyu, Qian Yong, Liu Yue, Weng Yuqing, academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wu Xichun, honorary chairman of China Iron and Steel Association, Xie Qihua, former chairman of Baosteel Group Corporation, Lin Donglu, former chairman of Baotou Steel Group, Jinan Iron and Steel Group The former chairman Li Changshun and the former director of the Metallurgical Industry Economic Development Research Center Liu Yongchang participated in the expert symposium. 20 iron and steel enterprises including Baosteel, Angang, Wuhan Iron and Steel, Hebei Iron and Steel, Shandong Iron and Steel, Shagang, and Sinosteel participated in the enterprise symposium, and 25 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities participated in the symposium of competent industrial authorities. Minister of Industry and Information Technology Li Yizhong attended the expert symposium to listen to opinions and made an important speech. Zhu Hongren, a member of the Party Leadership Group and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, attended and spoke at the symposium on enterprises and local industry authorities.


Li Yizhong pointed out that the steel industry has made significant contributions to the national economy and social development, but at the same time, we should also see that the development of the steel industry faces some outstanding contradictions and problems. Since the financial crisis, the steel industry has been seriously affected. The State Council has attached great importance to the development of the steel industry and formulated a set of policy measures such as adjustment and revitalization plans, suppression of overcapacity, mergers and acquisitions, elimination of backwardness, accelerated technological transformation, and improvement of industrial policies.


Li Yizhong emphasized that the steel industry should pay attention to the market, control the total amount, adjust the structure, and change the development mode must start from the market demand, and strengthen the research and forecast of my country's medium and long-term steel demand. The development of the steel industry should focus on domestic demand, encourage indirect exports, and discourage direct exports. Improve standards, guide steel consumption by raising standards, and expand the use of steel. Accelerate the structural adjustment of the iron and steel industry, strengthen technological transformation, eliminate backward production capacity, and promote mergers and acquisitions.


Zhu Hongren pointed out that since the financial crisis, my country's steel industry has been one of the most seriously affected industries. Revising and perfecting the iron and steel industry policy is the need for the national economy to “maintain growth and adjust its structure” and to promote the healthy development of the iron and steel industry. Industrial policy is a concentrated expression of government consciousness under the premise of giving full play to market allocation of resources. The revision of steel industry policy should reflect the direction of development and create a good policy environment for development.


Xin Guobin, director of the Industrial Policy Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, presided over the symposium. The Industrial Policy Department, Planning Department, Energy Conservation Department, and Raw Materials Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology participated in the symposium.


The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized a symposium on steel industry policy revision

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