How Do We Know If We Have Allergies or COVID-19?

18 Feb.,2022

As spring approaches, pollen allergies begin to show up in the population. Allergies can cause nasal congestion, coughing, fever and fatigue - very similar to the symptoms of COVID-19. Here, we will review the similarities and differences between COVID-19 and allergy symptoms. We will also discuss what you can do if you have these symptoms.


How Do We Know If We Have Allergies or COVID-19?


As spring approaches, pollen allergies begin to show up in the population. Allergies can cause nasal congestion, coughing, fever and fatigue - very similar to the symptoms of COVID-19. Here, we will review the similarities and differences between COVID-19 and allergy symptoms. We will also discuss what you can do if you have these symptoms.


What are the differences?

Allergic rhinitis is the type of allergy that causes symptoms in the nose. The more recent variant - Omicron - tends to cause more nasal symptoms. It can also cause more upper respiratory symptoms, such as a sore throat. So on the surface, the two conditions appear to be the same. 
Fever: Allergies should not cause an increase in body temperature. If you detect a fever of 100°F or higher, this indicates an infection rather than an allergy. Although not all people with COVID-19 will have a fever, many infected people will have a fever.
Itching: Itching is a characteristic symptom of allergies, but not COVID-19. Allergies can cause itchy eyes, nose, throat and skin. 
Duration of symptoms: Allergy symptoms last much longer than viral infections. COVID-19 symptoms usually disappear within 1 to 2 weeks. Pollen season can last for several months.


Sore throat

A sore throat is a common symptom of COVID-19. It may occur at the same time as other symptoms, such as fever and congestion, or it may be the first symptom to appear. In fact, a sore or itchy throat is a common early symptom of the COVID-19 Omicron variant.
Many allergy sufferers also complain of postnasal drainage causing a sore throat - when mucus drips down the back of the throat. It may be worse in the early morning after lying down at night. Your sore throat may be caused by COVID-19 or allergies. Your other symptoms can help point to the cause, but the only way to be sure is to get tested for COVID-19. 


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My cough

COVID-19 and allergies can both make you cough. For allergies, increased mucus and irritation of the postnasal drainage from the throat can also cause this condition. It may also feel like a tickle or tingle in your throat. 
On the other hand, coughing caused by COVID-19 can occur when the lungs are affected. The cough is usually dry, which means it does not produce any mucus or sputum. the Omicron variant is unlikely to cause chest symptoms, especially in those who have been vaccinated. Likewise, COVID-19 or allergies may cause your symptoms. The only way to be sure is to take the test.


If you are not sure

A good place to start to distinguish between COVID-19 and allergies is to check your body temperature at home. If you have a fever, then it is likely that you have some kind of infection.
A more effective method is to use a rapid antigen test kit at home. A covid-19 nasal or throat swab at home can help you get a result in 15-20 minutes, and if it shows positive, unfortunately you have a virus. At this point you will need to contact your doctor, be isolated at home, and then receive treatment, or get vaccinated.
If it shows negative, it means you just have a common allergy. If you are still concerned, go to the hospital for a PCR test to get the final results.
Consider a telemedicine visit so that you can talk to your provider without leaving your home. It is best to err on the side of caution while waiting to speak with your provider. This means you should isolate yourself, sterilize surfaces and wear a mask.
Ultimately, getting tested is important to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 




One of the main issues with COVID-19 is how to distinguish it from other diseases with similar symptoms. There are some subtle differences, but fever is the key symptom that helps distinguish COVID-19 from allergies. If you are concerned that you may be infected with COVID-19, you can use a rapid test kit. It is best to take extra care and isolate yourself until you are sure.    


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How Do We Know If We Have Allergies or COVID-19?