Electric blankets - Fire safety at home

05 Jan.,2024


Using your electric blanket safely

Though electric blankets can be a great, cost-effective way to keep warm and cosy, it's important to use them with care. Before putting your electric blanket on the bed to use over the winter months, take a few minutes to check that the blanket is safe for continued use.

Your blanket should be replaced with a new one if:

  • Fabric is worn or frayed.
  • Scorch marks are visible on the fabric
  • Wires are poking through the fabric.
  • There is damage to any part of the electrical cord.
  • The control buttons are making a buzzing sound when switched on and/or is giving off a smell.
  • The connector fitted to the blanket is damaged or over-heating.

Follow our 6 top tips


  1. Unplug blankets before you get into bed, unless it has a thermostat control for safe all-night use.

  2. Never use an electric blanket if you have an air flow pressure relief mattress , or use emollient creams

  3. Never use a hot water bottle at the same time as using your electric blanket.

  4. Do not buy second-hand electric blankets.

  5. Remember to check regularly for wear and tear and replace at least every 10 years.

  6. Store electric blankets flat, rolled up or loosely folded to prevent damaging the internal wiring.

Worried about energy costs?

If you – or a family member – is using an electric blanket because you're struggling with the costs of energy bills, it's worth knowing that there is a lot of help available. Citizens Advice provides lots of info about grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills or you can contact your energy company for advice. 

For more information Heated Throw Electric Overblanket, Plaid Electric Heating Throws, please get in touch with us!