Radiation Measuring Instruments

29 Dec.,2023


Radiation Measuring Instruments

1. What is a Radiation Measuring instrument?

The Ionising Radiation Source have significant and indispensable uses in various industries to reap maximum benefits from their applications. To ensure the radiation safety of the radiation professionals, patients and public; Good Radiation Safety Practices should be followed. The most important practice is the use Radiation Measuring Instrument to measure the radiation in and around the radiation source.


2. What are the type of Radiation Measuring Instruments?

Mainly there are 3 types of Radiation Measuring Instruments; those are; Survey Meter, Area Monitor and Pocket Dosi Meter.


3. What are the important factors to be considered in maintaining Radiation Measuring Instruments?

  • The instruments are to be kept in optimum condition.
  • Periodical calibration as per recommended by authorities to be done.
  • If the instrument is repaired (OR) if the detectors are replaced; it is a must to re-calibrate the radiation measuring instruments.


4. Where these radiation measuring instruments can be calibrated?

  • The calibration cannot be done in any lab. The lab has be recognized by AERB (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India)
  • AERB further makes it stringent that the labs have to be accredited by an auditing body, i.e. NABL
  • The radiation measuring instruments have to be calibrated in such labs periodically.

For all the above services, AVANTTEC has emerged with an advanced state-of- the-art facility in Chennai to calibrate all make & models of the Radiation Measuring Instruments (RMI’S).


If you have any questions on radiation measurement instruments. We will give the professional answers to your questions.