Making Custom Patterns and Textures With Foam Rollers

07 Dec.,2023


I use Foam Pro brand rollers because they are completely glued to the inner tube. Other brands are glued in strips or dots and tend to fall apart when they are cut.

I started by planning out the pattern on paper. When I had the design worked out I transferred it to the roller.

I started by dividing the roller long way into four sections. I divided those sections into four sections in the other direction, creating 16 squares. First, I marked out where the lines would intersect. I made sure to alternate the direction each cross curved. Next I marked out the nubs and holes that made the pieces lock together. Finally, I went over the whole pattern to make sure all the curves were smooth. By drawing the pattern in steps it helps insure that the pattern is even.

For more information Precision Defined Paint Roller Frame, Paint Roller Covers, Sponge Paint Roller for Texture Painting, Professional Small Wall Paint Roller Brush Replacable Tool Kit, please get in touch with us!