Gemstone and Crystal Meaning

16 Jun.,2023



Alexandrite: “Stone of Manifestation” – Expedite change, manifestation, and alignment of mental / emotional / etheric bodies creating a balanced emotional state.

Amazonite: Love, Balance, Soothing. Eliminates aggravation and soothes emotional process. Enhances love. Nerves.

Amethyst: Spirituality, Contentment, Meditation. “The Soul Stone” – Aids in anchoring inner harmony, can be used to clear other stones, if there is a willingness aids in release from addictions, calming, aids in “letting go”, can replace night terrors with sweet dreams.

Apatite (green): Hunger suppression, stimulates intellect, develops clairvoyance, enhances creativity, and clears mental confusion.

Aquamarine: Courage. Protection. Awareness. “Stone of Courage” – Emanates peace, physical / emotional / mental relaxant, reduces fear, and promotes tolerance and clear thinking.

Azurite: “Stone of Heaven” – Impeccable 5th Chakra Stone. Allows one to feel the presence and understand the message of speaking the truth.

Carnelian: Protection, Strength, Stabilizing. Clears negative energy and sorrows. Protects against fear and rage. Energy stabilizing. 

Celestite: ”Stone of the Angels” – Clears mental clutter, peace of mind, stress reduction, helps adjust to higher states of awareness.

Citrine: Optimism, Wealth, Cleansing. Cheerfulness, overcome mental blocks, attracts abundance, cleanses and purifies toxins, anti-cranky. Clears aura fields. Stimulates intuitive self. Promotes optimism and abundance. 

Coral: Intuition, Regeneration, Connections. Intuition and visualization. Aids communication with past masters. Circulation and tissue.

Diamond: A stone of Light and a symbol of perfection and illumination, activating the Crown and Etheric chakra.  It enhances inner vision, stimulates creativity, imagination and opens the mind to the new and possible.  Place a diamond on the Third Eye to encourage psychic development.  It is a stone which assists in manifesting abundance and amplifies energies, goals and intent.  Strength, innocence, endurance and a loving nature. It is a symbol of purity, love and fidelity and embraces strength of character, ethics and and faithfulness to self and others.

Emerald: Memory enhancement. Balances mind/emotions/spirit. Inspiring and relaxing.

Fluorite: Order, Balance, Healing. “Stone of the Mind” – Aids comprehension and decision making, discourages mental chaos. Helps stabilize energy to bring order in mental-emotional-physical and spiritual realms.

Garnet: Health, Commitment, Purification. Aids in accessing higher states of consciousness while allowing one to begin to “see” the “unseen world”. Adds commitment to purpose. Removes negative energy from Chakras. Moderate pain relief, blood disorders.

Hematite: Grounding. Enhances will and courage. Assists with healing sprains, strains and bruises, Physical vitality.

Herkimer Diamond: GV's Branding stone.  A connection to the Divine and a blessing to the wearer. Lodestone. Order. Balance. “Attunement Stone” – useful for attuning to another person, group or environment.  They manifest pure, solid Light and are powerful amplifiers of spiritual energy.  Exceptional healing crystals.  The most powerful of all quartz crystals. Perfect conduits of Universal Life Force. Focus mental capabilities. Dissolves negativity. 

Kunzite: Balance, Healing, Meditation. “Stone of Tranquility” – soothing, calming, aids in transition, assists in hospice situations

Labradorite: Spectrolite, Transforms, Healing. Develops psychic abilities, relieves exhaustion caused from overwork. Transformation of intuition and thought. Clears and balances auras.

Lapis: Awareness, Connection, Creativity. Connects physical and celestial realms. Expands intuitive, physical and creative potential.

Malachite: Intuition, Balancing,  Transform. Spiritual evolution. Activates all Chakras to stimulate and enhance psychic abilities. Courage, aids release of limiting habit patterns.

Moldavite: Astral travel, Amplifier, Healing. Channeling interdimensional sources, catalyst for important life changes.

Moonstone: Cleansing, Attainment, Healing. Cleanses negativity from Chakras. Destiny fulfillment. PMS, female health and birth.

Morganite: “The Heart Stone” – Activate, cleanse and stimulates heart Chakra, stimulate wisdom.

Obsidian: Apache Tears, Reflection, Grounding, Powerful teacher, disciplinarian, let go of old ways, sharpen inner vision. Shield against negativity. Grief.

Onyx: Protection, Projection, Defensive. Worn for all kinds of battle, conflict and psychic attack. Reduces sexual impulses. 

Peridot: Protection, Cleansing, Healing. Protective shield around body. Stimulates and cleans heart and navel Chakras. Heart, lungs. 

Quartz: Symbol of purity and infinity, growth and clarity; Heightens perceptions, psychic awareness, and intuitive insight; Balance / harmonize aura; Revitalize / restore energy flow in body; Enhances meditation, atonement to higher self; excellent for general healing.

Rose Quartz: Self-love, self-esteem.  The love stone.  Unconditional love, joy, warmth, joy and emotional healing.  Opens heart to compassion.

Rutilated Quartz: Communication, Growth, Astral Travel. Aids one in spiritual growth and "communication with the gods"

Tourmalinated Quartz: Breaking, Patterns, Strength. Helps one to eliminate negative behaviors. Balances the whole body.

Smoky Quartz: Grounding, Purifying, Relaxing. Aids in grounding and calming. Dissipates and purifies negativity.

Ruby: Helps you to become the person you are meant to be, through this you will find yourself attracting the type of people you want in your life. Can add grace, style, and elegance to your life.

Sapphire: Prosperity, Clarity, Healing. Rids unwanted thoughts. Brings joy and peace. Fulfills dreams, brings wealth.

Selenite: Awareness, Flexibility, Healing. “Stone of the Light” – Calls in the highest vibrational frequency of white light. Use for clearing and cleansing of one’s space, mind and other crystals. Keeper of the goddess teachings, Works well on anything bone or muscle related.

Topaz: Love, Success, Creativity. Forms individuality and creativity. Replaces negativity with love. Enhances understanding, tissue regeneration.

Tourmaline: Relieves fatigue, anemia, increases success and love. Brings inspiration and confidence.

     -Green: Healing, Transformation, Psychic. Provides energy conduit for healing. Promotes visualization and attunement.

     -Blue: Communication, Awareness, Intuition. Activates throat and Third Chakras. Facilitates higher levels of intuition. 

     -Black: Protection, Creativity, Grounding: Deflects and dispels negativity. Links First Chakra to earths' center.

     -Watermelon: Energizing, Healing. Activates and stimulates Heart Chakra. Heals the heart and emotional system. 

Turquoise: Protection, Healing, Balance. Protects and balances spiritual and physical bodies. Master healer. Dissipates negativity.

Zircon: Gives one the awareness of self-judgment and allows one to break that pattern. Allows one to experience one’s true self. Great for gridding.


*The crystal healing information provided here is for guidance only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or service. Please see your physician for any ailments.

**Information gathered from, Sacred Wisdom Chart #5 and other sources

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