12 nightmarish facts that will make you never want to visit another water park

11 Dec.,2023


  • Summer is approaching, meaning that Americans across the country will seek relief at water parks.
  • However, water parks are full of germs, potentially dangerous, and can be just as crowded as amusement parks on their worst days.


While water parks always seem like a good idea when the temperatures start rising, they're usually not worth the risk. Damp environments like pools and water slides are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria like E.coli and staph — not to mention the unsavory things floating around in the water itself.

If you're somehow not deterred by all the germs, perhaps thinking about the overwhelming amount of people who will have had the same idea as you will stop you.

Keep scrolling to learn about the brain-eating amoebas and chlorine-resistant parasites that make water parks the actual worst.

If you have any questions on water park equipment. We will give the professional answers to your questions.