Intro to Vacuum Forming, Thermoforming & Mould Making!

25 Aug.,2023


Types of Plastic for Vacuum Forming

The ultimate result of a successful vacuum forming operation is creating a shaped plastic part. But what type of plastic should be used? That depends on what you want from the product; different plastics are applicable for different uses. For a clear plastic salad box, you wouldn’t need the same high impact strength as you would for an outdoor sign, for example, while a car bumper needs still more durability.

When choosing a plastic, considerations that should come into play include:

  • Strength
    • Rigidity
    • Chemical/impact/UV resistance
  • Specific gravity
  • Formability
  • Colours
  • Hygroscopicity
  • Temperature range for pliability
  • Availability/cost

Further, you’ll need to take into account the look and feel of the plastic for the end-use application you have in mind. A strong plastic may not be usable if it offgasses volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when subjected to high temperatures, for instance.

Among the most popular plastics used in vacuum forming are:

  • ABS - acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)
  • Acrylic - PMMA - Poly(methyl methacrylate)
  • HDPE - high density polyethylene
  • HIPS - high impact polystyrene
  • PC - polycarbonate
  • PET - polyethylene terephthalate
  • PETG - polyethylene terephthalate glycol
  • PP - polypropylene
  • PS - polystyrene
  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride

Each option has its pros and cons. As with any end-use material choice, you’ll need to weigh the cost and ease-of-working of a given material with its strength and performance.

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