What Is LPG And How Is It Produced?

25 Oct.,2023


LPG (or liquefied petroleum gas) is a versatile fuel commonly used in Australian homes and businesses. We take a deeper look at LPG and how it works.

In summer, you’ll often see people swapping LPG bottles at the local petrol station, getting ready to power up their BBQ. Beyond a good BBQ though, it can provide us with heating, hot water and the power to cook our food. LPG is also important for use in industrial, commercial, agricultural, horticultural and manufacturing applications. It even powers co-generation plants.

What’s in LPG?

In Australia, LPG is propane gas, but overseas it can also be a mix of propane and butane gas. For those scientifically minded, propane (C3H8) contains three carbon atoms and eight hydrogen atoms. Butane (C4H10) contains four carbon atoms and ten hydrogen atoms.

Simply put, this means propane works well in cold weather, but butane isn’t as effective. For those happy campers who wake up to cold mornings, butane isn’t a great option.

Natural gas and LPG

Home appliances can run on either natural gas or LPG so it’s important to know the difference between the two. LPG is produced during oil refining or is extracted during the natural gas production process. If you release LPG, gas is emitted. In order to transport it, it must be placed under modest pressure to form a liquid. It can then be stored and transported in LPG cylinders.

Natural gas is extracted from deep within the earth and can contain ethane, propane, butane and pentane. Australian homes typically have hot water, appliances and heating fuelled by natural gas, which is delivered in pipelines.

At Origin, we explore and produce gas products to help meet energy needs both in the home and as a reliable energy source for businesses.

Why use LPG?

Usually sold in gas cylinders, LPG is a convenient, portable energy source that is easy to transport and store. The gas itself has a high heating or caloric value meaning as an energy source it provides a high level of heat in a short lifetime. It also has a virtual absence of sulphur, leading to cleaner burning.

For industry, LPG has a consistent quality. That means when it’s used for gas engines in forklifts or industrial boilers, it’s reliable and steady.

How to check the level of gas in your LPG bottle

You can check the level of gas in your LPG cylinder by carefully pouring hot water down the side of the it. Give it a minute and then run your hand down the cylinder. It will feel cool to the touch at the level of the gas. Be sure to be careful with the hot water.

If you’d like more tips about managing your LPG, check out our collection of handy hints.

With high quality products and considerate service, we will work together with you to enhance your business and improve the efficiency. Please don't hesitate to contact us to get more details of Transfer Lpg from One Cylinder to Another.