Do You Have an Iron Deficiency? Considering Health Effects in Pipe Material Selection

09 Oct.,2023


We in the United States are most fortunate, for the most part, to have access to safe, clean drinking water. Even when traveling, we are not hesitant to draw water from a hotel faucet to brush our teeth or even fill a glass to drink. This privilege is no accident.

 Throughout the years, drinking water standards have continually gotten more stringent as technology, with applied science, has allowed for the identification of more possible contaminants at microscopic levels that could not be obtained in the past. Consequently, drinking water professionals have followed suit, educating themselves, and implementing a more sophisticated methodology to maintain these standards for their customers' safety.

 However, even though much focus has been placed on treatment processes, many times, little focus is placed upon the drinking water system infrastructure that delivers the drinking water to the customer's residence, whether it be the water system transmission and distribution pipelines or the service line from the meter to the house.

With high quality products and considerate service, we will work together with you to enhance your business and improve the efficiency. Please don't hesitate to contact us to get more details of ductile iron water pipe.