Aluminum & Zinc Dross Recovery: DROSRITE recap reminder Good to recap how incredible DROSITE is and today's news is another huge step towards industry wide adoption of PYR offerings...globally! : Pyro

10 Oct.,2022


Zinc Dross

In the grand scheme of things I tend to agree w PYR CEO "Tip of the iceberg" as PYR was relatively unknown for most of the years I have invested in PYR but now their tech/engineering product offerings are getting global attention.  Drosite has barely scratched the surface of aluminum dross market whereas they are more efficient, 

That Sweden Rise torch contract at the time was huge but today that would be considered tiny around $1M .  The mere fact that garnered iron ore industry wide attention brought many big eyes ot PYR. 

GHG emmissions polluters will indeed to be forced into submission by carbon taxes and we are now seeing how serious gov't are enacting legislation on top of public pressure. Soon financial lending will be just as impossible as getting commercial lending if one fails an Environmental Phase 1 and Phase 2. 

Pyrogenesis is very well positioned. 

Long and strong PYR!!!!