How do I get promo codes?

29 Apr.,2024


How do I get promo codes?

Once your app is approved, when you look at the app page in iTunes Connect there should be a "Promo Codes" link under Additional Information way down at the bottom of the page. That's where you request the promo codes.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website.

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Average app review times are currently reported as 6 days for the iOS app store (appreviewtimes . com). No there is nothing you can do to speed up the review process for a regular review. If you could do it, everyone would do it and then we're back where we started. You can request an expedited review for specific reasons (critical bug fix, fixed event date, etc.) but there's no guarantee it will be approved, and doing so will decrease the chances of similar requests being approved in future. If you don't really need it (just being impatient) it'll cause grief later when you do actually need it and your request is denied.

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