Best Yoga Mats of 2023

25 Oct.,2023



What is the best yoga mat for beginners?

Selecting the best yoga mat for beginners involves a combination of factors, including comfort, durability, price, and grip. We recommend a balance of function and price for those who are just starting and might not want to invest heavily right away. Therefore, for beginners we recommend the True Blue non-slip yoga sticky mat or Gaiam Classic yoga mat.

Are expensive yoga mats worth the investment?

The question of whether expensive yoga mats are worth the investment often comes down to individual needs, priorities, and the frequency of one's practice. High-end yoga mats often use superior materials and construction methods, which can translate to better durability. They might last longer than cheaper alternatives, even with daily use. However, not all expensive mats guarantee longevity. Some might wear out as quickly as their cheaper counterparts, depending on usage and care.

For serious practitioners, yoga teachers, or those who practice daily, investing in a premium yoga mat might be worthwhile. The added comfort, grip, and durability can enhance the practice and might even save money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent replacements.

However, if you're a casual practitioner or still exploring your commitment to yoga, starting with a mid-range mat might be more reasonable. Over time, as you become more attuned to your needs and preferences, you can decide whether a pricier mat would be a worthy investment.

How do I choose the right size yoga mat for my height?

Choosing the right size of a yoga mat based on your height is essential for comfort and ensuring you have adequate space for various poses. In general, for people 5’8” and under, we think a standard mat of 68” is adequate. If you’re over 5’8”, you might consider a long mat (over 68”).

Can I practice yoga on a carpeted surface instead of using a yoga mat?

It may bet tempting to skip a yoga mat, but we don’t recommend it. Carpets, especially those with a thick pile, can be unstable for certain poses. You may find it more challenging to balance in postures like Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) or Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III). A carpet might not offer the same grip as a yoga mat, which can be problematic for dynamic sequences or poses that require a firm grip. Carpet is slicker than you might think!

How long does a typical yoga mat last before needing replacement?

The lifespan of a yoga mat can vary widely based on several factors, including the material of the mat, frequency of use, intensity of practice, care and maintenance, and the quality of the mat. On average, a well-cared-for yoga mat used regularly might last between 1 to 5 years, depending on its material and usage. Regardless of age, there are signs your yoga mat needs replacement, such as:

  • Loss of grip: When your mat becomes slippery, even after cleaning.

  • Thinning areas: If you start to see the floor through your mat or feel a lack of cushioning.

  • Flaking or tearing: Visible signs of degradation.

  • Odor: Persistent smells, even after cleaning, can indicate bacterial or fungal growth.

Can I use a yoga towel with my mat to enhance grip and absorb sweat?

A yoga towel can be an excellent addition to your practice, particularly if you practice hot yoga or tend to sweat a lot. It enhances grip, improves hygiene, and can even extend the life of your yoga mat. When choosing a towel, consider its material, size, and any added features like silicone nubs or corner pockets to enhance stability.

How can I reduce the rubbery smell of a new yoga mat?

The rubbery smell from a new yoga mat, especially those made from natural rubber or certain types of PVC, is a common complaint. While the rubbery smell of a new yoga mat can be off-putting, it often fades over time, especially with regular use and proper cleaning. If the odor persists or is very strong, there are ways to reduce or eliminate this odor. We highly recommend reading the manufacturer’s recommendations first.

  • Air It Out: Unroll the mat and hang it outdoors in a shaded spot for a few days. The fresh air and ventilation can help dissipate the smell. Avoid direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can degrade the mat material.

  • Use a Mild Cleanser: Mix a gentle solution of water and a few drops of mild dish soap or sports detergent. Use a soft cloth or sponge to wipe down both sides of the mat. Rinse the mat with water and hang it up to dry. Avoid using too much soap, as residue can make your mat slippery.

  • Vinegar Solution: Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the mat with the solution and wipe it down with a soft cloth. The vinegar can help neutralize odors. After wiping, let the mat air dry. Do a spot test on a small section of the mat first to ensure the vinegar doesn't discolor or damage the material.

  • Baking Soda: Lightly sprinkle baking soda over the mat and let it sit for a few hours or overnight. Baking soda is known for its odor-absorbing properties. Afterward, shake off the excess baking soda and wipe the mat down with a damp cloth. As with vinegar, it's wise to do a spot test first to ensure no adverse reactions with the mat material.

  • Essential Oils: Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (like lavender or eucalyptus) to a spray bottle filled with water. Mist the mat lightly and wipe it down or let it air dry. Not only can this help mask the rubbery smell, but it also introduces a pleasant aroma to your mat. Ensure you're not allergic or sensitive to the chosen essential oil. Again, spot test first.

  • Purchase a Scented Mat Cleaner: There are commercially available yoga mat cleaners that come with pleasant scents. Using these regularly can help mask and eventually eliminate the rubbery odor.

  • Store Properly: Once you've cleaned the mat, ensure you store it unrolled for a few days, preferably in a well-ventilated area. This will further help in airing out any lingering smell.

Can I use essential oils or cleaning products on my yoga mat?

Using essential oils or cleaning products on your yoga mat is possible, but there are precautions to consider to ensure the longevity of your mat and your own safety during practice. While essential oils and cleaning products can be used on yoga mats, it's crucial to choose gentle, non-harming substances and ensure proper dilution and application.

  • Always dilute essential oils with water before applying to your mat. Undiluted oils can be too potent and might degrade the mat's material or make it slippery.

  • Ensure you're not allergic or sensitive to the chosen essential oil.

  • Over-cleaning or using cleaning products too frequently can wear out your mat prematurely.

Want more information on customized yoga mats? Click the link below to contact us.