What is the cheapest form of heating?

08 Apr.,2024


As we look forward to spring and the end of winter, many of you are looking for ways to keep their homes warm and cozy without breaking the bank. This past winter had many challenges with dramatic increases in energy costs and severe cold. There are many ways to reduce your heating cost while staying warm. If you’re looking to research the best solution for inexpensive heat, check out these ten ideas.

Many of the ideas are little or no cost and are easy to accomplish, so roll up your sleeves and get to work! There’s sure to be a solution that fits your needs and budget, from space heaters to fireplace inserts. So get ready to stay warm for less money all next winter long!

1. Utilize Passive Solar Heating

Southern-facing windows are an excellent source of heat on sunny days in the winter. Open the drapes or window coverings as soon as the sun is available each morning. Keep window coverings closed in all other areas of the house to reduce heat loss. Close southern-facing window coverings as soon as the sun is no longer shining in each day. Orient furniture in any room with southern facing windows so as not to block available sunlight from warming as much of the room as possible.

2. Purchase Infrared Electric Space Heaters

Infrared heat is very cozy and efficient because it warms you directly and is 100% efficient. Before purchase make sure you research you options carefully and choose the most cost-effective and reliable heater available. This type of heat is best suited to heat you while stationary, for example preparing a meal in the kitchen, watching TV, or reading in the living room. Infrared heat only works effectively with a clear line of sight, so make sure the heater is near enough and has an unobstructed path to your location.

3. Install a Programmable Thermostat on Your Central Heating System

There are many inexpensive programmable thermostats available in today’s world of enhanced technology. Some solutions even offer the option to remotely access the unit using an App on your smartphone. Before purchase verify the wiring of your existing thermostat to ensure compatibility. Most models offer multiple program times and temperatures. Generally speaking, the house can be kept cool while you are not there and while sleeping. For every reduction of one degree Fahrenheit, it is possible to reduce heating costs by over 1%.

4. Wear Warm Clothes Around The House

This is a simple, no-cost, and often overlooked idea for reducing heating costs. While it may seem a bit extreme to walk around in a jacket while inside, consider dressing a bit warmer so you can lower the temperature setting. As previously addressed lowering the heat setting in your home can result in considerable savings

5. Close The Flue on Your Fireplace

An often-overlooked air leak in the home is the standard wood fireplace. When in operation unless specially designed, most fireplaces will remove more heat than they add. While the ambiance of a wood fire is extremely cozy it can cost you extra on your heating bills. Close the flue and keep it closed at all times (of course this means, don’t use the fireplace!).

Another related and worthwhile idea is to add a wood or anthracite burning stove to the front of the fireplace and utilize the chimney to vent it. Depending on how wide the hearth is a stove can sit in front of the opening on the hearth. Leisure Line makes two models of stove that can be installed in this way, the Hearth model and the Lil Heater Sidewinder. These stoves can heat up to 2,500 square feet and will provide you with a toasty warm home for less money while

providing easy operation. The Coal-Trol System will keep the temperature in the home wherever you set it.

6. Install Solar Energy Panels

Utilizing the power of the sun to generate electricity has many benefits. Solar is the most abundant renewable energy source and the technology for generation and storage continues to improve. Storage capability of solar systems was previously the biggest drawback due to inclement weather reducing solar output by up to 90%. With the latest improvements in battery technology this issue has all but disappeared. There are also federal and local rebates and tax credits available to offset the high installation cost. The addition of a solar system will also add to the value of your home. Given the complexity of solar systems and the continuing development of new and better technology, careful research is required before selecting a system.

Remeber, installing solar might not save you money instantly so carefully consider the “payback time” required to break even, after that you will be able to save money on electricity & heating bills for many years to come. Those factors make solar energy one of the best solution for inexpensive heat.

7. Get Your Boiler or Furnace Inspected And Evaluated

Many people overlook the inspection and maintenance of the central heating unit. Often the out of the way location of these units causes people to lose sight of the fact that they may be costing more money to operate than required. Have a professional inspect the age/efficiency to advise on how best suited modern needs versus old school technology!

When making comparisons there are many factors to consider including efficiency, cost per BTU, and other related costs (maintenance, distribution charges, service charges, etc.). Simply put, natural gas fired units are the least expensive to operate of all central heating units. When efficiency is considered, both gas and oil boilers are less efficient than electric ones. Of course the cost of electricity continues to increase so the overall cost may not be less than fossil fuel fired units. If your system is found to be inefficient or needing repair, there are many high efficiency central units available today. Electric boilers are becoming more popular and are worth checking out. The heating professional who evaluates your unit can give some excellent advice on the replacement options and costs. As is with any major expenditure it is wise to research it fully and get an idea of the total cost of ownership including any available energy rebates.

This discussion would not be complete without addressing solid fuel central heating units. To keep things simple, we will not address wood or wood pellet units because they are addressed in depth in the blog titled “Why Should You Choose Coal Over Wood…”. Anthracite coal boilers and furnaces are worth considering when looking at efficient replacements for an existing

central heating unit. It is currently a lower cost per BTU than oil (1 gallon of oil equals roughly 12.5 pounds of coal) and a small amount cheaper than natural gas (1.35CCF equals one gallon of oil). These numbers in today’s prices equate to oil at $540 a ton in anthracite, and natural gas at $233 a ton in anthracite. Actual prices for coal picked up at the processor are $170 to $213 per ton, so it is clear that anthracite is a cheaper alternative. In addition to the cost-benefit, an anthracite stoker boiler or furnace produces even and consistent heat because the fire stays lit all the time, thus eliminating the swings in temperature found with many gas and oil-fired units.

8. Add Insulation And Seal Any Air Leaks

Heat rises, therefore the attic of your home can be the biggest area of heat loss. Additionally, sealing any air leaks in walls, ceilings, doors, and windows can dramatically decrease heating costs. The work required is within the capability of most homeowners and can be accomplished during the coming spring and summer so that your home will be cozier in the winter.

By investing in materials and a little hard work, you will rest assured that over time this investment will be amply compensated by reduced energy bills as well as lower heating/cooling costs down the line.

9. Use Credit Cards To Pay Your Utility Bills

You can often use a credit card to pay your utility bills. Check with your utility company to verify that there are no extra fees or hidden costs. Also worth looking into is checking to see which cards you hold give more of a cashback offer on certain items, utilities are often in this category. In any event, using this strategy can reduce the bottom-line cost of energy to heat your home. Another strategy is the use of budgeted energy cost that creates a set monthly utility bill that is based on total annual energy cost. This will not reduce overall energy cost but can help with balancing your monthly budget.


We hope that reading this blog has encouraged you to further explore the best solutions for inexpensive heat. By staying curious and continuing your research you will most certainly find

the solution(s) best suited to your needs. As with everything in life, an effort is required to achieve maximum results!

Leisure Line Stove Company has a variety of anthracite coal stoker stoves, hot air furnaces, and boilers. We care about you and your energy needs and prioritize your complete satisfaction above selling products.

Get in touch with us today at 570-752-1811 for a helpful discussion regarding your heating needs!

When managing your household budget, you might ask yourself: What is the cheapest way to heat a home? The question has several answers. You will want to have an efficient heat system and then you will want to establish energy-saving tips. Together, this approach could help you slash your power bill and your carbon footprint at the same time without sacrificing comfort.

Is Natural Gas or Electricity Cheaper for Heating?

Heating with natural gas is generally cheaper than heating with electricity. Pricing for gas and electricity do fluctuate, though, and the costs for each are not the same in every area.

In finding the most cost-effective way to heat a house, you can use this resource from Shrink that Footprint to assess your situation and identify the most cost-efficient ways to heat your home. It uses data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration to give you an up-to-date understanding of market rates. Depending on where you live, current market conditions, and how electricity is produced in your area, however, you may find that electricity is cheaper for heating in the long run.

Cheapest Ways to Heat Your Home with Different Energy Sources

In looking for efficient ways to heat your home, consider these options. You probably have access to many different heat sources, so consider each and then decide what is the cheapest way to heat a home in your situation.

Natural Gas Heating Systems

The most cost-effective ways to heat a house with gas include forced air furnaces or boilers for hot water or steam in radiators. In each system, burning gas creates heat that is distributed via ducts or pipes. Since natural gas is plentiful in the U.S., it is usually a more affordable option for many people.

Electric Heating Systems

Electric systems include furnaces, boilers, heat pumps and radiant floor heat. Furnaces are often the least expensive to install. Heat pumps in certain environments can cost less to operate over the long haul. Radiant heat within floors or radiators is also highly cost-effective. Maintenance is typically lower with such systems as they have fewer moving parts.

Solar Heating Systems

In some places and with some kinds of houses, solar can be a cost-effective method for generating heat. You can install an active solar heating system that uses photovoltaic panels that transfer the sun’s energy to air or liquid that is then circulated in your home.

Considering the pros and cons of solar energy, including the size, construction, and how much sun your home gets will determine the design of the solar heating system that would work best for your house.

Supplementing Your Main Heating System

In some situations, a space heater can increase your comfort in a few trouble spots without the expense of installing a new system or running a more powerful system. You might have a cold in-home office or a bathroom that is chilly in the morning. Running a portable heater for a short time can be very cost-effective.

If you are running many space heaters for long periods, however, you will quickly find it is not the cheapest way to heat a house with electricity. You are better off looking at alternatives.

7 Tips to Lower Heating Costs and Improve Efficiency

You don’t have to shiver through the winter to help the environment and potentially save money on your heating bills. You’ll help to lower your heating costs, maintain a cozy home and cut carbon emissions by following these home heating efficiency tips.

1. Schedule furnace/boiler maintenance once a year

A broken furnace or boiler can leave you in the cold. And worse, it can be dangerous, spewing microbes and allergens into your home. Carbon monoxide fumes are deadly, and a gas leak can cause an explosion.

Lastly, consider the costs. If your system isn’t running smoothly, you are wasting energy and driving up your heating bill. With preventive maintenance, your system runs economically. Yes, you’ll have to spend some money, but maintenance is cheaper than repair — and safer.

2. Install smart thermostats

Explore getting a smart thermostat to make home heating more efficient. You can program them according to your preferences and patterns. Many systems learn your home, optimizing how your heating system runs to take advantage of the heat of the sun, when you are sleeping and when you are out of the house. You won’t waste money blasting heat when you are at work or heating a room that is already warm from the sun.

3. Insulate and weatherize your home

Keeping warm air in your home can help improve heating efficiency as your furnace or boiler doesn’t have to work as hard. Here are several ways you can retain warmth:

  • Add insulation to your attic.
  • Use blown-in insulation to fill gaps between your interior walls and the outside surfaces. Insulating your home can make a huge difference.
  • Install new multi-pane ENERGY STAR® windows, which can quickly pay for themselves in energy savings.
  • Hunt for drafts around doors and windows and seal them up.
  • Install plug protectors to prevent heat loss through unused electrical plugs.
  • Close gaps and cracks around where utilities like cable and water come into your home.

4. Bleed your radiators and install reflectors

Prevent cold radiators on a frigid day. Bleed your radiators in advance of cold weather to ensure air doesn’t get trapped in them, blocking the flow of heat. Fortunately, bleeding your radiator to let out trapped air is an easy task:

  • Turn off the heat before you do anything.
  • On the side near the top of your radiator, you’ll find the bleed valve. Turn it with a radiator key (available at most hardware stores) or a pair of pliers.
  • Turn counterclockwise about half a turn, going slowly and listening for a hissing sound. That’s the air escaping as hot water takes its place.
  • When water starts to stream out instead of air, you’ve removed your air block. Close the bleed valve and wipe up any spilled water.

Beyond improving your home heating efficiency, bleeding your radiators lowers the cost of operating your forced-hot-water boiler. Installing reflectors, thin sheets or foil placed between the coils and the wall, will send more heat into your room. This practice is especially effective for radiators on outside facing walls and walls that are not well insulated.

5. Change your air filter

If you’re wondering how to heat your home efficiently, start with the air filter. Old and dirty air filters block the flow of air, which makes your forced-air furnace work harder. Fortunately, this kind of do-it-yourself HVAC maintenance is simple. To ensure that your furnace is heating your home efficiently, replace the air filter regularly.

Washable air filters reduce your ecological footprint and work well if you regularly clean it with a vacuum cleaner or give it a rinse under running water. To remove serious grime, diluted dish soap will remove oily buildup.

6. Install a heat recovery ventilator

One of the more innovative central heating efficiency tips is to invest in a heat recovery ventilator. These systems capture heat from exhaust air and mix it with fresh intake air. They also remove mold-causing moisture, along with many contaminants and odors, in the process.

Most homes exhaust some air through bathroom fans, kitchen oven hoods and appliances. Heat recovery ventilators capture up to 90% of the heat that would otherwise be lost to the outside.

7. Get a new energy-efficient heating system

Furnaces last, on average, up to 15 years. The life expectancy of your unit will vary, depending on the quality and regularity of your maintenance. If your furnace is getting near that 15-year mark, it may simply quit without warning. Start shopping before your furnace wears out so that you can make an informed decision without the pressure. With the right choice and an ENERGY STAR™ rating, you may find it quickly pays for itself in energy savings.

Newer units are also easier to maintain and may offer performance enhancements, like sound absorption and additional insulation. And some forced-air systems are fitted with advanced air filtration systems to help improve the quality of the air inside your home.

Learn More about the Most Efficient Home Heating Systems

When you choose the most efficient home heating system for your situation that turns out to be the cheapest way to heat a home, you can save energy and money without sacrificing comfort. A small effort really pays off in energy savings and a lower carbon footprint.

When it comes to finding efficient ways to heat your home, consider all the factors, including energy prices and climate trends in your state. Constellation’s guide, What’s the Most Efficient Home Heating System?, will help you consider all the details and make an informed choice.

What is the cheapest form of heating?

Cheapest Way to Heat a Home