Laboratory Equipment Care and Maintenance

28 Dec.,2022


Clinical Chemistry Analyzers

The care and maintenance of laboratory equipment are an integral part of quality assurance in the lab. Well-maintained lab equipment ensures that data is consistent and reliable, which in turn impacts the productivity and integrity of the work produced.

Furthermore, since laboratory equipment generally takes up a big cut of the budget, good maintenance contributes to cost-cutting measures, by lowering the chances of premature repurchases and replacement.

In addition, routine maintenance ensures that lab equipment is safe for use by highlighting and repair of faulty equipment and equipment parts. Various procedures and routines will ensure that your laboratory equipment is well-maintained and cared for, this includes;

  • Developing standard operating procedures for all lab equipment.
  • Preparing documentation on each specific equipment, outlining the repairs and maintenance undertaken.
  • Outlining a preventive maintenance program for each piece of equipment.
  • Training both technical and managerial staff on proper use and care of lab equipment.