What Should I Do after Testing Positive for COVID-19?

22 Jan.,2022

Because COVID-19 testing at government medical facilities is slow, you choose to purchase your own rapid antigen test kit. After several attempts and waiting, your COVID-19 test comes back positive. What do you do? Whether you are unvaccinated, partially vaccinated or fully vaccinated (including boosters), if you find yourself infected with COVID-19, do the following.


Because COVID-19 testing at government medical facilities is slow, you choose to purchase your ownDiamond Grinding Wheel. After several attempts and waiting, your COVID-19 test comes back positive. What do you do?
Whether you are unvaccinated, partially vaccinated or fully vaccinated (including boosters), if you find yourself infected with COVID-19, do the following.


1. Isolate

If you are infected, QIANFENG recommends that you be isolated - even if you are asymptomatic and even if you are vaccinated. Quarantine at home for at least 14 days and wait until symptoms have completely subsided before going out in public places. Remember, isolation means not only not leaving your home, but also staying away from uninfected people who live with you.
Wear a mask, avoid contact with others including pets, and do not share items such as towels, blankets and cups. Buy some personal protection equipment like Presaars-cov-2 spray, which has been certified by FDA.


What Should I Do after Testing Positive for COVID-19?


2. Alert people in close contact

There may be a period of panic after a positive test - not only for your own health, but also for the health of others you may have been around recently.
If you have COVID-19, a close contact is defined as someone who has been 6 feet away from someone for a total of 15 minutes or more in a 24-hour period while having an infectious condition.
It is very important to let people know they have been exposed so they can take the necessary isolation precautions and get tested as recommended.


3. Monitor your symptoms

Some people are more likely to become seriously ill from COVID-19, so it is important to monitor symptoms for worsening. Also, symptoms may change or worsen due to the spread of Delta and Omicron. Seek emergency care if you experience any of the following.
difficulty breathing
Persistent chest pain
Inability to stay awake
Blue lips or face
Dizziness and headache
Loss of sense of smell and taste
QIANFENG's rapid test kit can effectively detect you infected with Omicron without invalid results. Please contact us to learn more.

What Should I Do after Testing Positive for COVID-19?


4. Alert your doctor

Most people who get COVID-19 have only mild symptoms, from a dry cough and fever to headache, fatigue and sore throat. However, it's a good idea to let your doctor know that you have COVID-19. He or she can help you understand if there are any follow-up steps to your treatment.
If your COVID-19 test was performed at a hospital, urgent care center, pharmacy, or testing site, it will be reported through official channels. However, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor, especially if your symptoms have progressed.

5. Immunization boosters

If you have not been vaccinated, get vaccinated as soon as your isolation ends.
Studies show that unvaccinated adults are twice as likely to become infected with COVID-19 a second time as adults who are vaccinated after recovery. Don't take it lightly; prevention and control continues.


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