How to Create Custom Character for LCD

17 Oct.,2023


To create a Custom Character, we need to define which dot out of that 5 x 8 block has to be lighted up, which can be done by writing the binary equivalent of each row and column,using this web tool by IOXhop.

So for an example, we let's create a heart symbol.

1.Click on the dot that you want to light up, until you see a character that you want to achieve.

2.Copy the variable byte.

3.Include the library,

4.Setup the LCD and initialize it.

5.Paste the variable below the LCD setup syntax and also rename as per your choice.

6.Define custom character and allocate a location to it using the syntax

lcd.createChar(location, name);

7.Write lcd.home();

8.Set cursor and print custom character using the syntax


9.upload the code.

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