HPMC Improves Performance of Tile Adhesives

03 Apr.,2024


Preparation before mixing

First of all, we have to prepare the raw materials for tile adhesive. If you’re scratching your head about the proportions of HPMC and other chemicals to add, don’t worry. You are welcome to seek advice from Kemox’s staff, which can eliminate any confusion you may have in tile adhesives. In a clean mixing bucket, we gradually add the raw materials of the tile adhesive, including HPMC. HPMC is not an ordinary additive, but a secret to improve the performance of the adhesive. We slowly mix the HPMC with the other required chemicals, adhering to the specified proportions. It’s like baking a cake – each ingredient needs to be perfectly balanced for a delicious result.

The Art of Mixing

Next, we gradually add water according to the recommended proportions. It’s like adding water gradually to flour. We use a mechanical mixer to blend the mixture until it becomes smooth, making sure that no lumps appear. This step is crucial because it ensures that the various additives are evenly distributed throughout the binder.

Testing the Tile Adhesive

We used a trowel to scrape out a small piece of tile adhesive for a closer look. The adhesive was then tested by pressing it onto a tile with the trowel and found that the tile was easily pried up. A thin, even layer of adhesive was applied from the tile substrate, slowly with the trowel. It’s like painting on a canvas, but instead of paint, we use adhesive. We press a brick firmly onto the tile on which we have just applied the adhesive.
Wait a few moments and let the adhesive slowly take effect. We want the adhesive to be set in the recommended time frame. After the setting period, it’s time for the moment of truth. We try to check the bond strength by prying the tiles up from the substrate. Since the bond of HPMC is so strong, it feels like the brick and tile have fused together.

Test Results

Our test results show that HPMC is more than just an additive, it’s a tile adhesive’s best friend. It improves the performance of adhesives and makes tiles stick stronger, longer, and more reliably. Therefore, the next time you lay tiles, it is recommended that you add a fixed percentage of HPMC in advance to ensure that your tiles stay where you want them to be no matter what.

For more information HPMC In Tile Adhesive, Redispersible Polymer Powder, please get in touch with us!