How to Replace a Broken Car Exhaust Hanger?

23 Feb.,2023


Do you need exhaust pipe hangers solution? Choose us as your partner and we will provide you with a solution that will satisfy you.

Exhaust hangers are devices that are used to support the weight of the exhaust system on a vehicle. They are typically made of rubber or other flexible materials and are used to hold the exhaust pipes in place and to prevent them from vibrating or making contact with other parts of the vehicle. They are commonly found on cars, trucks, and motorcycles. If the exhaust hanger is broken it needs to be replaced promptly to ensure safety on the road.


Exhaust hangers


Steps to replace the exhaust hanger


1. Locate the broken exhaust hanger. It is typically located near the muffler or catalytic converter.


2. Use a jack to raise the car and support it with jack stands. This will give you access to the exhaust system.


3. Use a wrench or pliers to remove the bolts or clamps that hold the exhaust pipe in place.


4. Carefully remove the broken hanger from the exhaust pipe.


5. Purchase a replacement hanger that is the same size and shape as the one you removed.


6. Install the new hanger by placing it in the same position as the old one and securing it with the bolts or clamps.


7. Lower the car and test drive it to ensure that the exhaust system is properly secured and that there are no leaks.


8. If everything is working properly, you have successfully replaced the broken car exhaust hanger.


Note: It is recommended to have a professional to do this task as this may vary depending on the make and model of the vehicle.


If you are looking for a suitable exhaust hanger, you can always contact us for a free consultation.


If you have any questions on exhaust pipe hangers. We will give the professional answers to your questions.