What Are Some Methods to Purify Water

06 May.,2024


What Are Some Methods to Purify Water

Concerned about the quality of your drinking water? With contaminants like pesticides, heavy metals, and microorganisms frequently detected in US water sources, ensuring purity is of great importance. So what are some methods to purify water and eliminate these harmful substances? In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore proven methods, both free and paid, to help you make informed choices and enjoy clean, safe drinking water.

You can find more information on our web, so please take a look.

Free Methods to Purify Water

For those looking to purify water without breaking the bank, we've curated a list of free methods that are both efficient and easy to use. Let's explore these budget-friendly options together and discover how they can ensure clean drinking water.

1. Boiling Water.

Boiling water is one of the oldest and most straightforward methods of purifying water. By bringing water to a rolling boil for at least one minute (or longer at higher altitudes), harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa are effectively killed, making the water safe to drink.

Process: Bring water to a vigorous boil and maintain for at least one minute.

Effectiveness: Kills most common pathogens found in water.


  • Simple and easy to implement.
  • Doesn't require specialized equipment.
  • Effective against a wide range of contaminants.


  • Doesn't remove chemical pollutants or heavy metals.
  • Energy-intensive, especially for large quantities of water.
  • Time-consuming, especially at higher altitudes.
  • Doesn't improve taste or odor of water.
  • May not be practical in emergency situations with limited fuel or resources.

Suitable People and Water Quality:

  1. Ideal for camping, hiking, and emergency preparedness.
  2. Suitable for treating clear water from known safe sources.
  3. Not recommended for highly contaminated or turbid water.

Recommended Reading

Does Boiling Water Remove Chlorine?

Does Boiling Water Remove Fluoride?

Does Boiling Water Remove Lead?

2. Solar disinfection (SODIS).

Solar Disinfection (SODIS) is a simple and eco-friendly technique used to purify water using sunlight. SODIS involves filling transparent bottles with water and exposing them to sunlight for several hours. Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites present in the water, making it safe to drink.


  • Cost-effective: Requires minimal equipment, making it affordable for low-income households.
  • Environmentally friendly: No chemicals or energy consumption involved, reducing environmental impact.
  • Easy implementation: Can be done by anyone with access to sunlight and transparent bottles.


  • Time-consuming: Requires several hours of sunlight exposure for effective disinfection.
  • Weather-dependent: Effectiveness can be reduced on cloudy or rainy days.
  • Limited capacity: Suitable for small quantities of water, not ideal for large-scale purification needs.
  • SODIS may not remove chemical contaminants or turbidity (cloudiness) from water. It's most effective against microbial pathogens but may not address other water quality issues.


  1. Individuals or families with limited access to clean water sources.
  2. Outdoor enthusiasts, travelers, or campers needing to purify water on the go.
  3. Communities in developing regions where infrastructure for water treatment is lacking

3. Filtering with cloth.

Filtering water with cloth is a basic yet effective method used to remove visible impurities and some microbes from water. This method involves passing water through a clean cloth or fabric to strain out contaminants, making it suitable for improving water clarity and reducing turbidity.


  • Easy and inexpensive method
  • Removes visible particles and sediment
  • Improves water appearance and taste


  • Limited effectiveness against microscopic contaminants
  • Requires clean and suitable fabric
  • May not eliminate harmful bacteria or viruses


While filtering with cloth can improve water quality by removing visible impurities, it has limitations in purifying water from harmful microorganisms. It's essential to note that this method is more suitable for improving water clarity rather than ensuring complete microbial safety.

Suitable People:

  • Individuals in emergency situations with limited access to clean water
  • Those looking for a temporary solution for improving water clarity

Water Quality:

  • Suitable for water with visible impurities such as sediment and debris
  • Not recommended for water contaminated with pathogens or chemicals

4. Chlorination with household bleach.

Chlorination with household bleach is a simple and cost-effective way to disinfect water, which is a widely used method to purify water, especially in emergency situations or areas with limited access to clean water sources. This method involves adding a specific amount of chlorine bleach to water to kill harmful pathogens and make it safe for drinking.


  • Accessibility: Bleach is readily available in most households and emergency kits.
  • Cost-effective: It's an affordable method compared to some other water purification techniques.
  • Effectiveness: Chlorine effectively kills a wide range of pathogens, ensuring water safety.
  • Easy to use: The process of adding bleach to water is straightforward and doesn't require specialized equipment.


    • Taste and odor: Chlorinated water may have a slight taste and odor, which some people find unpleasant.
    • Residual chlorine: If not properly measured, residual chlorine levels can be too high, leading to health concerns.
    • Limited effectiveness: While effective against many pathogens, chlorination may not eliminate certain contaminants like heavy metals or chemicals.


    • Emergency situations: Chlorination with household bleach is ideal during emergencies or natural disasters when access to clean water is limited.
    • Low-resource settings: It's suitable for communities or individuals with limited resources or infrastructure for water purification.
    • Temporary use: Chlorination can be a temporary solution until more advanced water treatment options are available.

    Recommended Reading

    Does Chlorine Have a Smell?

    How to Test Chlorine in Water at Home?

    How to DeChlorinate From Tap Water?

    How to Remove Chlorine From Water?

    What Filter Removes Chlorine From Water?

    Paid Methods to Purify Water (Low to High Cost)

    For those with a sufficient budget and a strong emphasis on water quality and health, paid water purification methods provide advanced filtration technologies. From mid-range systems to high-end solutions, these methods offer superior purification results, addressing a wider range of contaminants and ensuring optimal water safety. Just check the following methods:

    1. Water filtration pitchers.

    Water filtration pitchers are popular among households as an affordable and convenient method to purify tap water. They use replaceable filters to remove impurities, providing cleaner and better-tasting water for drinking and cooking.


    Water filtration pitchers typically consist of a pitcher/container and a replaceable filter cartridge. The filter uses activated carbon and sometimes additional materials like ion exchange resins to trap contaminants and improve water quality.


    • Affordability: Water filtration pitchers are relatively inexpensive compared to other paid purification methods.
    • Ease of use: They are easy to set up and maintain, requiring minimal effort for regular use.
    • Improved taste: Filters can remove chlorine, odors, and sediment, resulting in better-tasting water.
    • Portable: Pitchers are portable and can be used anywhere with access to tap water.


    • Limited filtration: They may not remove all contaminants, such as heavy metals or bacteria, to the same extent as more advanced systems.
    • Regular filter replacement: Filters need to be replaced periodically, adding to maintenance costs.
    • Slower filtration: Some pitchers have a slower flow rate, requiring time to fill the pitcher.
    • Filter lifespan: The effectiveness of filtration diminishes over time, requiring regular replacement for optimal results.
    • Contaminant removal: Water filtration pitchers may not be suitable for highly contaminated water or water with specific contaminants like arsenic or lead.


    1. Individuals on a budget: Water filtration pitchers are ideal for those looking for affordable water purification solutions.
    2. Moderate water quality: They work best with moderately clean tap water and can improve taste and remove common impurities.
    3. Small households: Pitchers are suitable for households with low to moderate water consumption needs.

    2. Gravity-fed water filters.

    Gravity-fed water filters like Membrane Solutions U3P are an effective method of purifying water by using gravity to pull water through a filtration system. These filters typically consist of multiple filtration stages, such as activated carbon and ceramic filters, to remove impurities and contaminants from the water.


    • Effective Filtration: They can remove a wide range of contaminants, including bacteria, sediment, chemicals, and odors.
    • No Electricity Required: Gravity-fed filters operate without electricity, making them suitable for off-grid or emergency situations.
    • Easy Maintenance: Most gravity-fed filters are easy to clean and maintain, requiring minimal effort.
    • Affordable: Compared to some high-tech filtration systems, gravity-fed filters are relatively affordable.


    • Flow Rate: Gravity-fed filters have a slower flow rate compared to pressurized systems, requiring more time to filter water.
    • Limited Contaminant Removal: While effective for common contaminants, they may not remove certain viruses or heavy metals.
    • Bulky Design: Some gravity-fed filters can be bulky and may take up more space in your kitchen or storage area.


    • Water Quality: Gravity-fed filters work best with moderately clean water sources and may struggle with highly contaminated or turbid water.
    • Maintenance: Regular cleaning and filter replacement are necessary to maintain optimal performance and prevent bacterial growth.

    Suitable People and Water Quality:

    1. Suitable for individuals or families who prioritize affordability and basic water purification needs.
    2. Ideal for camping, hiking, or emergency preparedness due to their portable and easy-to-use nature.
    3. Best suited for water sources with low to moderate contamination levels, such as well water or municipal tap water with minor impurities.

    Recommended Reading

    Gravity Based Water Purifier: 4 Things You Must Know!

    3.Whole house pre-filter.

    Whole house pre-filter systems are advanced water purification solutions designed to remove sediment, debris, and larger particles from incoming water before it reaches your faucets, appliances, and showers. These systems typically use filters with varying levels of filtration to improve water quality throughout the entire household.


    • Improved Water Quality: Removes sediment, rust, and other particles, leading to cleaner and clearer water.
    • Protects Appliances: Extends the lifespan of water-using appliances by preventing sediment buildup.
    • Reduced Maintenance: Minimizes the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance of faucets, showers, and appliances.
    • Health Benefits: Eliminates contaminants that may affect water taste and odor, promoting better hydration.


    • Initial Cost: Higher upfront investment compared to basic filtration pitchers or faucet-mounted filters.
    • Space Requirement: Requires installation space near the main water line, which may be limited in some homes.
    • Maintenance: Filters need periodic replacement, adding to the ongoing cost of ownership.
    • Water Pressure Impact: Depending on the system's design and filter type, there may be a slight reduction in water pressure.

    Suitability for Different People and Water Quality:

    • Large Families: Ideal for households with multiple family members using water extensively throughout the day.
    • Areas with Sediment Issues: Suitable for regions with high sediment levels in the water supply, preventing clogging of plumbing fixtures and appliances.
    • Moderate Water Contaminants: Effective for reducing common impurities like rust, sand, and silt, but may not address all chemical or microbial contaminants.
    • Those Seeking Comprehensive Filtration: Suited for individuals who want comprehensive filtration at every water outlet in their home.

    4. Ultraviolet (UV) water purifiers.

    Ultraviolet (UV) water purifiers are an advanced method used to purify water by using UV light to deactivate and destroy harmful microorganisms. Here's an introduction to UV water purifiers, covering their overview, pros and cons, limitations, and suitability for different scenarios and water qualities.


    UV water purifiers work by exposing water to ultraviolet light, which effectively kills bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens without adding chemicals or altering the water's taste or odor. This method is particularly effective in eliminating microbiological contaminants.


    • Highly effective: UV light kills a broad spectrum of microorganisms, ensuring water safety.
    • Chemical-free: It does not require the use of chemicals, making it environmentally friendly.
    • Minimal maintenance: UV purifiers have low maintenance requirements compared to other methods.
    • Fast treatment: Water is purified quickly as it passes through the UV chamber.


    • No residual protection: UV treatment does not provide residual protection against re-contamination after purification.
    • Limited to microbiological contaminants: It may not remove chemical or physical impurities from water.
    • Dependence on power: UV purifiers require electricity to function, which can be a limitation in certain situations.


    Water quality: UV purifiers are most effective in clear water with low turbidity. Sediment or turbid water can reduce their efficiency.

    Pre-treatment required: Water should be pre-filtered to remove sediment and particles that can block UV light and reduce effectiveness.


    1. Homes and businesses: UV purifiers are suitable for residential and commercial use, providing safe drinking water.
    2. Campers and travelers: Portable UV purifiers are ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, ensuring clean water on-the-go.
    3. Microbiologically contaminated water: It's effective in treating water sources prone to microbiological contaminants.

    Recommended Reading

    What Does UV Filter Do for Water?

    5. Reverse osmosis systems.

    [Most Recommened]

    Reverse osmosis systems are highly recommended for water purification, especially for those seeking superior filtration and removal of contaminants. This method utilizes a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities, ensuring clean and safe drinking water. It works by applying pressure to the water, forcing it through the membrane and leaving behind purified water while trapping impurities.


    1. Effective purification: RO systems remove a wide range of contaminants, including heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria, and viruses.
    2. Improved taste and odor: The filtration process enhances the taste and odor of water by removing impurities.
    3. Removes dissolved solids: RO systems can effectively reduce dissolved solids, improving water quality.
    4. Reliable technology: RO systems are well-established and trusted for their purification capabilities.


    • Wastewater production: RO systems produce wastewater during the filtration process, leading to some water wastage.
    • Slow filtration rate: RO systems may have a slower filtration rate compared to other methods, especially if the water pressure is low.
    • Removes beneficial minerals: While it removes contaminants, RO systems also eliminate beneficial minerals from water, requiring remineralization for optimal health benefits.


    • High-contaminant water: RO systems are suitable for purifying water with high levels of contaminants, including dissolved solids, chemicals, and microorganisms.
    • Improved taste and quality: They are recommended for individuals who prioritize clean, great-tasting water with improved odor and clarity.
    • Moderate to high budget: RO systems are ideal for those willing to invest in advanced water purification technology for long-term water quality improvements.

    Recommened Reading

    Does Filtered Water Have Minerals?

    If you are looking for more details, kindly visit UVDF.

    How to Add Minerals to RO Water Naturally?

    Best Reverse Osmosis System With Remineralization

      6. Distillation units.

      Distillation units are advanced water purification systems that use the process of distillation to remove contaminants from water. This method involves heating water to create steam, which is then condensed back into liquid form, leaving behind impurities. Distillation units are known for their effectiveness in producing high-purity water.


      • Effective purification: Distillation removes a wide range of contaminants, including heavy metals, chemicals, and microorganisms.
      • Produces high-purity water: The distillation process produces extremely pure water, suitable for various applications, including drinking and medical purposes.
      • Removes volatile compounds: It effectively eliminates volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other volatile contaminants.
      • Long-term reliability: Distillation units are durable and require minimal maintenance when properly cared for.


      • Energy-intensive: Distillation units consume significant energy to heat water and produce steam, making them less environmentally friendly than some other methods.
      • Slow process: Distillation can be a slower process compared to some filtration methods, especially for large volumes of water.
      • Removes minerals: Distillation removes beneficial minerals from water along with contaminants, which may require mineral supplementation for drinking water.


      1. Cost: Distillation units can be expensive to purchase and operate, especially high-capacity or industrial-grade systems.
      2. Maintenance: Regular maintenance and cleaning are necessary to ensure the distillation unit operates efficiently and produces high-purity water consistently.
      3. Water temperature: Distillation is most effective with relatively clean water; highly turbid or contaminated water may require pre-treatment or additional filtration.


      • High-purity water needs: Distillation units are ideal for individuals or industries requiring extremely pure water, such as laboratories, pharmaceuticals, and electronics manufacturing.
      • Areas with poor water quality: They are suitable for locations with poor water quality or high levels of contaminants where other purification methods may be less effective.
      • Long-term investment: Distillation units are a long-term investment for those prioritizing water quality and willing to invest in a reliable purification system.

      Recommended Reading

      Reverse Osmosis vs Distilled Water

      Distilled Water vs Filtered Water

      Is Distilled Water Boiled Water?

      7. Ion exchange filters.

      Ion exchange filters are advanced water purification systems that use ion exchange resins to remove contaminants such as heavy metals, minerals, and certain chemicals from water. This method involves exchanging ions in the water with ions of similar charge in the resin, resulting in cleaner and safer drinking water.


      • Effective contaminant removal: These filters excel at removing specific ions like calcium, magnesium, lead, and other metals.
      • Improved taste and odor: Ion exchange can enhance the taste and odor of water by reducing unwanted ions.
      • Scale prevention: They can help prevent limescale buildup in pipes and appliances, prolonging their lifespan.
      • Customizable: Some ion exchange filters allow for customization based on water quality and specific contaminants.


      1. Limited to certain contaminants: While effective for ion-based contaminants, they may not remove all types of pollutants like bacteria or viruses.
      2. Maintenance required: Regular maintenance and resin replacement are necessary to ensure optimal performance.
      3. Initial cost: Compared to basic filtration methods, ion exchange filters can have a higher upfront cost.

      Limitations of Ion Exchange Filters:

      • Water quality considerations: Ion exchange works best with hard water or water containing specific ions. It may not be as effective in highly polluted or turbid water.
      • Size and space: Some ion exchange systems require ample space for installation, making them more suitable for homes with adequate room.

      Suitable People and Water Quality:

      • Hard water areas: Ideal for individuals living in areas with high mineral content in their water, such as hardness due to calcium and magnesium.
      • Specific contaminant removal: Beneficial for those concerned about specific ions like lead or arsenic in their water.
      • Those willing to invest: Suitable for individuals willing to invest in a long-term water purification solution with comprehensive contaminant removal capabilities.

      In conclusion, we've explored various water purification methods, both free and paid methods to purify water, each with its own set of benefits and considerations. The key takeaway is the importance of selecting the most suitable method based on individual needs and circumstances. Whether you're looking for a budget-friendly solution or advanced filtration, choosing the right purification method is crucial for ensuring clean and safe drinking water. As a recommendation for the best purification results, considering a multi-stage RO system like SimPure T1-400 RO+UV systems, tested and certified to meet NSF/ANSI 58 standards, can provide comprehensive filtration and peace of mind for your drinking water needs.

      Click the below picture to get to its product page for more info~

      All About Drinking Water Filters

      Drinking lots of water to stay healthy and hydrated is essential — but what if your home’s drinking water smells bad or has a weird taste? Or what if you’re worried that your water could make you sick? Odors, unpleasant tastes, spots on your dishes, dry skin and dull hair, stains on your bathroom fixtures, buildup in your pipes, even repeated gastrointestinal illness — all of these can be signs that you need to address the contaminants in your water.

      Drinking water contains more chemical contaminants than many people realize. The New York Times reports that under the Safe Drinking Water Act, only 91 chemicals are regulated, even though more than 60,000 chemicals are in use throughout the United States. Not a single chemical has been added to the regulated list since 2000. Additionally, many of the act’s standards have remained unchanged since the 1980s — some even remain unchanged since the act’s passage in 1974.



      The pollutants found in drinking water can include vehicle emissions, heavy metals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, detergents, industrial waste and much more. A recent three-year study found 202 unregulated chemicals in the drinking water of 45 different states, as well as 326 total contaminants across 20 million drinking water samples.In total, over 62 million Americans have been exposed to drinking water that failed to meet at least one government health guideline intended to help protect the public from disease. Some people were exposed to unsafe water for years.

      Drinking water filters can help reduce the number of contaminants in your water. But what’s in water filters and what do they do? Below, we’ll explain more about the different types of water filters and help you understand how water filters work to keep your water clean and your household safe.

      Drinking Water Filtration Methods

      How do water filters work? Below you’ll find a few different types of drinking water filter technology and explanations of how they clean your water.

      1. Activated Carbon

      Activated carbon is commonly used in water filters. Activated carbon is carbon that has been treated with oxygen to maximize the number of pores it contains. The large number of pores give the carbon an expansive surface area over which it can adsorb — or bind on its surface — many of the contaminants found in drinking water. Because of its high porosity, one pound of activated carbon contains a surface area of up to 100 acres. Activated carbon filters are often made from coal, wood, or high-carbon nut shells such as coconut shells.

      Activated carbon can filter out a range of the contaminants found in drinking water, including metals like copper and lead, cleaning solvents, pesticides, chlorination byproducts and more. Faucet water filters, pitcher water filters and under-sink water filters all typically use carbon filters. Some carbon filters also contain silver to help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

      2. Reverse Osmosis

      Reverse Osmosis water filters offer powerful water filtration capabilities. Osmosis means the flow of water into an area with a higher concentration of solids. But you don’t want suspended solids in your drinking water — so with reverse osmosis, your water is forced through a semipermeable membrane that traps suspended solids and leaves you with fresh, clean water.

      Reverse osmosis typically works through three simple steps:

      1. Water flows through a pre-filter, which removes sediment, chlorine and small particulates.
      2. High pressure forces the water through the semipermeable membrane that traps most of the remaining inorganic contaminants and flushes them to the drain. Long’s EcoWater Reverse Osmosis Systems can remove 99.3% of lead at this stage, for example.
      3. A storage tank holds the filtered water. The storage tank contains an activated carbon filter that removes a few remaining impurities as the water flows out toward the faucet. This last filtration step means that the water tastes and smells fresh when it reaches your glass.

      Reverse Osmosis Systems can be more expensive than systems that use activated carbon filters alone. However, they are generally more effective and their reliable results make them an excellent choice for home water treatment systems. They remove all the heavy metals and chemicals that carbon filters do plus bacteria, viruses, and other harmful contaminants.

      3. Ultraviolet (UV) Light

      UV sterilization is used for well water purification, removing bacterial microorganisms (total chloroform and E.coli).

      Many types of water purifiers make use of absorption techniques to remove chemical contaminants, but UV purification is different. UV light filters purify water with wavelengths of ultraviolet light. Instead of removing particles the way reverse osmosis and activated carbon filters do, they disinfect the water by concentrating and directing ultraviolet light through a glass fixture, much like the way you can use a magnifying glass to focus light and start a fire. These systems are incredibly effective at killing harmful bacteria that can cause gastrointestinal illnesses.

      UV light filters do not remove nonliving contaminants such as heavy metals and chemicals, though. For this reason, homes often use them in combination with reverse osmosis or carbon filter systems.

      4. Microbiological Systems

      A Microbiological Filter System uses filters rather than UV light to remove microorganisms like viruses and bacteria from your water. These types of water filters are particularly effective for those with public water as they protect against GiardiaCryptosporidium, and many other harmful pathogens. At Long’s Ecowater, our Microbiological Purification Systems are guaranteed to remove 99.9999% of bacteria, 99.99% of viruses and 99.95% of cysts, which are microorganisms in their dormant stage. When Cryptosporidium exists in water, it is often found as cysts.

      In our Microbiological Filter Systems, water first flows through a pre-filter that filters out lead, chlorine and sediment to give your water a clean, crisp taste and smell. The water then flows through the purifying filter, which traps and removes harmful microorganisms. The purifying filter helps remove up to 53 types of VOCs from the water as well.

      5. Ion Exchange

      Ion exchange is used primarily for water softening. Hard water, which contains heavy concentrations of calcium and magnesium, can leave skin feeling irritated and hair feeling weighed down with a buildup of residue. Hard water can also have a tang that makes water unappealing to drink and can lead to mineral deposits in pipes.

      Ion exchange helps solve this problem using resin, which has a small, bead-like surface. The resin is covered with ions, which are particles with positive electrical charges.

      Water softening works through the exchange of cations — particles that are positively charged. A cation exchange resin might be covered with sodium cations, for instance, which is why water softeners use salt. When magnesium and calcium ions pass over the resin, the sodium cations trade places with the magnesium and calcium cations, and the magnesium and calcium cations bind to the resin. The removal of these cations gives your home’s water a cleaner taste and better feeling.

      This process works to remove some other contaminants as well, primarily through anion exchange. Anions are negatively charged particles — anion exchange resins might make use of chloride anions, for instance. Anion exchange can help rid homes of contaminants such as fluoride, sulfates, nitrates, arsenic and more.

      Certain types of ion exchange systems can be expensive. Additionally, it requires regular delivery and addition of salts and other substances to your home’s water supply. Currently, this is the only effective way to soften hard water.

      6. Distillation

      A water distillation system heats water to turn it into vapor, which leaves behind impurities like bacteria, viruses, heavy metals and many chemicals as it rises. The distiller then condenses the vapor back into clean, clear water. Because they remove a variety of different contaminants, and because of their high efficiency, distillers can be an attractive option for some households. They are typically installed in homes as countertop units.

      If chemicals have a higher boiling point than that of water, though, they will vaporize along with the water, so distillation systems cannot rid your water of them. Chlorine is one of these chemicals, so distillers are ineffective against chlorine. Additionally, distillation systems use substantial amounts of energy and need high levels of maintenance to keep functioning at their best. They are also quite slow, taking several hours to produce a modest volume of water.

      Types of Drinking Water Filters

      Now that we’ve discussed different types of water filtration technology, we’ll discuss a few water filtration products and systems as well.

      1. Filtered Water Pitchers

      Filtered water pitchers generally contain activated carbon filters. They are budget-friendly, and they sit on your table or counter or in your fridge, so there’s no installation involved.

      Filtered water pitchers have an upper chamber filled with activated carbon. You can pour water into this chamber, and it will filter down into a larger reservoir from which you can pour it out. Simply fill up the pitcher and then pour out filtered water when you need it. The user-friendliness, portability and cost-effectiveness of filtered water pitchers can make them seem like attractive options.

      However, the small filters of filtered water pitchers can easily clog, and the pitchers may also pour slowly, letting out a meager trickle of water instead of a refreshing stream. Their smaller filters also need to be changed more often than the filters of the larger systems. It is difficult to use these pitchers for other uses, such as cooking. Additionally, the carbon filters used by these companies are typically lower-quality.

      2. Faucet Water Filters

      Faucet water filters, as their name suggests, attach directly to the end of your faucet. You can use them in your kitchen to filter your water as it comes out of the tap. Faucet water filters are cost-effective and easy to install, so their simplicity and budget-friendliness can make them seem appealing.

      However, they don’t fit every style of faucet, so if you have a uniquely shaped faucet, especially one set lower than most, you may be out of luck. They can also impede the flow of water, causing your cups and water bottles to fill more slowly. Quality may be an issue with these smaller carbon filters, which do require relatively frequent changing.

      3. Countertop Water Filters

      Countertop water filters connect to your kitchen faucet, but they sit on the counter instead of attaching to the faucet head. They often come with their own slender faucets through which the filtered water can flow. They are less likely than the smaller models to clog or impede the rate of water flow, and they require fewer filter changes as well. And they can be more convenient than a pitcher that requires constant refilling.

      They do take up counter space, however, so people with smaller kitchens may want to consider other styles. They also don’t work with every model of faucet.

      4. Under-Sink Water Filters

      Instead of screwing into the faucet, under-sink water filters connect to the water line beneath the kitchen sink. They usually make use of either reverse osmosis technology — to remove arsenic, lead, fluoride, chlorine and other inorganic contaminants — or microbiological filters to focus on eliminating bacteria and viruses, plus lead, chlorine, pharmaceuticals and more.

      Under-sink water filters usually require professional installation, and that can make them cost a bit more than the smaller models. Once installed, though, they are more convenient to work with because they require fewer filter changes than the smaller models like filtered water pitchers and faucet water filters. High quality and convenience make them excellent choices for your home.

      5. Whole-House Water Filters

      Whole-house water filtration systems are installed directly at the main water pipe. They purify the water at its source and allow for the distribution of clean, filtered water to all areas of the house. This efficient distribution means you don’t have to find and maintain different filters for different faucets and showers. If your water is hard or contains VOCs that can vaporize and be breathed in through shower or bath steam, whole-house water filtration is an excellent choice to protect both your pipes and your health.

      Whole-house water filtration systems are typically large and complex, and they can filter an enormous variety of different contaminants, from heavy metals to chemical contaminants to pathogens like viruses, bacteria and cysts. Though they require professional installation and represent a substantial investment, they tend to save households money over the long term.

      Many different types of whole-house water filters exist, with technologies ranging from carbon absorption to ion exchange or UV sterilization. So, you can choose the system that bests fits your household’s needs.

      Because a whole-house system treats all of your household’s water and protects against the widest variety of contaminants, investing in a whole-house system can provide a variety benefits. They can provide your entire home with clean, safe and healthy water for years.

      How to Choose the Right Filter

      Which water filtration system is right for your home depends on numerous factors — your water quality, the biochemical properties in your water, your budget, your tolerance for maintenance and many more.

      The right choice of filter also depends on your level of water consumption and whether you have well water or municipal water. We recommend getting your water tested so that you know what contaminants it contains. Then you can choose the filtration system that best addresses the discovered issues.

      Consult Your Local Water Treatment Professional to Discuss Filtration Options

      If you live in Eastern Pennsylvania, within a one-hour radius of our office, including areas like Allentown, Coopersburg, Quakertown, and Macungie, make Long’s EcoWater your trusted, one-stop source for all your water filtration and treatment needs. Our drinking water treatment systems meet or exceed the EPA requirements for the removal of contaminants from drinking water. You can use our systems on both municipal water and well water — no matter what type of water you have, our systems are convenient and effective.

      We know how to filter water effectively, and we can provide you with the right water filtration system to solve a variety of home water issues. We even offer a free water test, so we can figure out how to get you water that tastes great and keeps your family healthy and safe.

      Contact us today to learn more.


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