How to become a Fruit and Vegetable Picker

07 Nov.,2023


Duties & Tasks of a Fruit and Vegetable Picker

Fruit and vegetable pickers may perform the following tasks:

  • Select fruit and vegetables for picking according to size and ripeness, and discard rotting and over-ripened produce
  • Operate farm machinery to harvest nuts, fruit and vegetables
  • Load picked fruit and vegetables into containers, taking care to avoid damage
  • Drive tractors or other vehicles to deliver fruit and vegetables to the packing shed
  • Sort and pack produce
  • Drive forklifts to load boxes of produce onto trucks.

Working conditions for a Fruit and Vegetable Picker

Fruit and vegetable pickers work in diverse environments ranging from high-tech, large-scale operations to small family farms.They may work from ladders or mechanical hoists when they are picking tree crops, or they may have to stoop to pick field and vine crops. Gloves may be worn to protect hands from thorny branches.Weather conditions can be hot, dusty, humid or rainy, but work usually continues in these conditions to ensure the harvest is completed on time. Harvesting work is seasonal and pickers may travel long distances after picking one crop to get to their next job. Some employers provide accommodation but pickers usually need to find their own.

With high quality products and considerate service, we will work together with you to enhance your business and improve the efficiency. Please don't hesitate to contact us to get more details of fruit picker stick.