Yoga Wheel Tutorial: Here Are 5 Ways to Use a Yoga Wheel (Photos)

08 Aug.,2022


yoga wheel for sale

By now, if you don’t already own a yoga wheel, you’ve heard of them and seen tons of Instagram photos featuring yogis doing incredible poses on them. Yoga wheels are everywhere, and yoga wheels are popular! They’re fun, dynamic, challenging, and can evolve with your practice.
Yoga wheels are a revolutionary yoga prop designed to be versatile. They come in a variety of sizes, based on your main goal or purpose for using it. But did you know that yoga wheels also offer a wide variety of physical benefits?
Perhaps one of the reasons yoga wheels are so popular is all the ways you can use them. You can use a yoga wheel to gain flexibility and mobility, strength and stability – perfect for enhancing any of your other fitness routines.
We all know the amazing benefits of yoga for the physical body. When we incorporate a yoga wheel into our practice, we can take these benefits to the next level. Yoga wheels help deepen your yoga practice overall.

Here are 5 key ways you can use a yoga wheel:


1. Spinal Massage and Mobility

Give your spine some love with a yoga wheel! Have you ever used a block or a bolster beneath your spine for a supported heart opener? Take that great feeling, and then multiply it with a yoga wheel that’s round and can move with the contours of your spine.
With that added benefit of movement, you can massage the spine by rolling the wheel up and down the length of your spinal column. Or, if you’re looking more for a backbend, find a static hold with the center/upper part of your spine on the wheel. This stretch is a great way to counteract the negative effects of our sedentary lifestyle.
From a seated position, bring the yoga wheel to the base of your spine and keep your feet planted as you gently begin to roll your spine up and onto the wheel. From here, you can play around with slowly rolling forward and back to get the full effects of a spinal massage.


2. Stretch and Lengthen Full Body

The same position featured in number 1 can be the foundation for other uses too. From there, roll the wheel onto the upper spine and then reach the hands up and back to grab onto the wheel behind your head. This is a great way to stretch and open the shoulders, as well as release tension in the head, neck, and upper spine.

You can also try a variety of different yoga poses to target specific areas of the body:

Low Lunge with the wheel either beneath the front thigh for a supported hamstring stretch, or supporting the lifted back shin for a quad stretch.

Reclining Butterfly Pose is a gentle hip opener, and the effects are amplified using the wheel to experience a nice heart opening backbend. From a seated position, bring the bottoms of your feet to touch. Bring the yoga wheel to your low back and gently recline onto the wheel. Rest your arms down by your side, palms up.

Reclining Hero Pose is a deeper way to open the front body, find a backbend, and stretch into the quads, knees, and ankles. Bring your knees hip-width distance apart (spread them wider to make this pose gentler, or closer together to deepen). Bring your seat down in between your heels as you roll your spine onto the wheel and stretch your arms beyond your head.



3. Strengthen and Tone Full Body

There are a lot of fun and dynamic ways to move with your yoga wheel to strengthen and tone full body. You can target specific parts of the body, like the core, glutes, and legs, or you can focus on the upper or lower body as a whole. There’s a wide range of options, but we’ll cover a few key moves here:
Core and upper body can be targeted simultaneously when you come into a modified Plank Pose with both shins on the yoga wheel. From there, simply roll the wheel forward as you bring your body into a pike-like position, and then roll the wheel back into full plank. Repeat to strengthen and tone abs, arms, and chest.

Glutes and lower body can also be targeted with a yoga wheel. From a standing position, bring the wheel to face your right inner ankle, and step your left foot longways onto the wheel. As you roll it away from your ankle, bend into the front knee and keep the glutes engaged. This will strengthen glutes, quads, calves and ankles.


4. Improve Balance and Stability

Balance has a lot to do with core stability and all the little stabilizing muscles in the body. Yoga wheels can definitely help cultivate the strength and stability you need for balance! Many poses and exercises that you would do normally can be enhanced with a yoga wheel to cultivate even more balance, stability, and agility.
Malasana Pose (or Yogi Squat) is a challenging strengthening pose by itself, but on a yoga wheel, you are cultivating strength, agility, and balance simultaneously.

Toe Stand is another fun pose to try on the yoga wheel. By itself, this pose takes balance and stability, but adding the yoga wheel brings much more body awareness to the parts you need to engage and strengthen.

The added benefit of practicing these challenging poses on a yoga wheel is the immense body awareness you’ll gain. You’ll discover stabilizing techniques (like activating the bandhas) and cultivate greater balance as well as strengthen your stabilizing muscles.

5. Deepen Your Yoga Practice Overall

Yoga wheels are a great support system as you work to deepen your yoga practice. From this article, we know yoga wheels can support us in backbends, cultivate more flexibility and balance, and also strengthen and tone full body.
The yoga wheel combines strength and flexibility for a full mind-body challenge – and workout. Get creative and explore the ways you can incorporate a yoga wheel into your favorite yoga poses, stretches, and exercises.

Add a Yoga Wheel to Your Yoga Lifestyle

Yoga wheels are super fun and beneficial with so many diverse ways to use them. Yoga wheels are a great way to deepen your practice – from balance, to building strength, and aiding in advanced poses) – and offer therapeutic benefits to create space in the body, massage the spine, and of course . . . cultivate creativity and have fun!
Looking for more inspiration? We recommend exploring Instagram. Use the hashtag #yogawheel to find endless inspiration and guidance on all the amazing ways you can incorporate this awesome yoga prop into your daily fitness and wellness routine.

Yoga Wheel

ProSource Yoga Wheel $25.99

The ProSource Yoga Wheel is 12” in diameter and 5 inches wide - the standard size for a yoga wheel. The outside is lined with a thick yoga mat-like cushion for comfortable support and traction. Offered in black/white, black/mint, and purple/pink. Shop this yoga wheel

Have fun with your yoga wheel practice. Take it slow and be safe. Honor your body, do some research, and don’t be afraid to ask questions! Yoga wheels are a fun yoga prop that can augment your practice in a variety of great ways. Enjoy the journey, and keep rollin’ yogis!

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How to Use a Yoga Wheel (Video Tutorial)
Yoga wheels are round wheels that you can use as a yoga prop to enhance your practice. Learn how to use a yoga wheel in this tutorial video and article!
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Yoga wheels are round wheels that you can use as a yoga prop to enhance your practice. Learn how to use a yoga wheel in this tutorial video and article!