Traditional dog food manufacturer

12 Jul.,2022

dog food we often see and talk about in our daily life refers to dry puffed dog food, which is also a commercial dog food. It is a dog-specific food produced by mixing many nutrient raw materials, then puffing or extrusion, and then drying, dehydrating, seasoning and other processes.


Generally speaking, the dog food we often see and talk about in our daily life refers to dry puffed dog food, which is also a commercial dog food. It is a dog-specific food produced by mixing many nutrient raw materials, then puffing or extrusion, and then drying, dehydrating, seasoning and other processes. The moisture content is generally below 12%. , Long shelf life, easy feeding and carrying, affordable and more and more accepted and sought by people, at the same time, it also has the characteristics of easy digestion and absorption, the digestibility of this kind of dog food can reach about 70%, in addition, Its unit heat energy can reach 6.27~6.69KJ/kg, which is very rich in energy. Because of this, this kind of dog food has become more and more in-depth to many families with pets.

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Traditional dog food manufacturer

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Xingtai Nuode Pet Products Co., Ltd. is a dog food manufacturer, located in the beautiful Hebei, China. Excellent quality, good palatability, healthy and nutritious for your pet. We are looking for distributor all of the world.