What is the top of a tombstone called?

19 Feb.,2024


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When visiting a cemetery, you may have noticed the various shapes and sizes of tombstones marking the resting places of loved ones. Tombstones serve as a lasting tribute to those who have passed away, providing information such as the name, birth and death dates, and sometimes a brief inscription or epitaph. One commonly asked question about tombstones is, "What is the top of a tombstone called?" Let's explore this question in more detail.

**Definition of a Tombstone**.

A tombstone, also known as a gravestone, headstone, or gravemarker, is a marker placed at the head of a grave to memorialize the deceased. Tombstones can be made from a variety of materials, including granite, marble, limestone, and bronze. They come in different shapes, styles, and sizes, depending on cultural, religious, and personal preferences.

**The Top of a Tombstone: The Finial**.

The top of a tombstone is known as the finial. A finial is a decorative ornament or decorative feature typically found at the very top of a tombstone. It serves both an aesthetic and functional purpose, adding a distinct look to the tombstone while also providing a finishing touch to the design.

**Types of Finials**.

There are various types of finials that can be found on tombstones, each with its own symbolic meaning. Some common types of finials include crosses, angels, flowers, hearts, and other religious or cultural symbols. These finials not only enhance the overall appearance of the tombstone but also convey a message or sentiment about the deceased.

**Significance of the Finial**.

The finial on a tombstone can signify different things depending on the shape and design chosen. For example, a cross finial may represent the deceased's faith or spirituality, while an angel finial could symbolize protection or guidance in the afterlife. Flowers or hearts may convey love, remembrance, or the beauty of life. The choice of finial is a personal one and often reflects the values and beliefs of the deceased or their loved ones.

**Customizing the Finial**.

Many families choose to customize the finial on a tombstone to reflect the unique personality or interests of the deceased. Some may opt for a sports-themed finial if the deceased was an avid sports fan, while others may choose a nature-inspired design if the deceased loved the outdoors. Customizing the finial allows families to create a personalized memorial that truly honors the memory of their loved one.


In conclusion, the top of a tombstone is called the finial, which serves as a decorative ornament that adds a unique and meaningful touch to the overall design of the tombstone. The finial can convey different messages or sentiments depending on the shape and design chosen, allowing families to customize the tombstone to reflect the personality, beliefs, and interests of the deceased. Whether it's a simple cross, an intricate angel, or a symbolic flower, the finial plays an important role in commemorating those who have passed away.

If you have any further questions about tombstones or would like to discuss customizing a gravemarker for a loved one, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you create a lasting and meaningful tribute to honor the memory of your loved one.

Please visit our website for more information on this topic.

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