Dancing Fountains

27 Sep.,2023


The key to the creation of our dancing fountains is the synchronisation of the water with the lights and music to create a live show. To this end, a series of effects and choreography are programmed in which the movements of the water and the changes in the lights are coordinated with the rhythm of the music thus creating the characteristic dancing of these fountains.

All the systems that make this choreography possible are controlled with DMX technology from the fountain’s control panels using our in-house software, Syncroshow. This software allows the control of all the fountain’s systems from a Smartphone-friendly application, which allows the user to see the status of the fountain in real time and control the light and water features remotely.

Dancing fountains are powered by low voltage systems to reduce the possibility of accidents, according to the legislation in force.

Want more information on Modern Light Water Fountain, Light and Water Dance Show, Fountain Project Cases? Click the link below to contact us.