The difference between starch ether and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

26 Oct.,2022


Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose

- Oct 24, 2020 -

The difference between starch ether and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

1. Air-entraining. Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether hpmc has strong air-entraining properties, while hydroxypropyl starch ether has no air-entraining properties.

2. Hydroxypropyl starch ether can effectively improve the anti-sagging and anti-slip properties of the mortar. The hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether hpmc usually can only increase the viscosity and water retention of the system but cannot improve the anti-sagging and anti-slip properties.

3. Thickening and viscosity. Generally, the viscosity of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether hpmc is about tens of thousands, while the viscosity of hydroxypropyl starch ether is several hundred to several thousand, but this does not mean that hydroxypropyl starch ether is not as thick as mortar. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose has different thickening mechanisms.

4. Molecular structure of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether hpmc. Although both starch and cellulose are composed of glucose molecules, their composition is different. The orientation of all glucose molecules in starch is the same, while that of cellulose is just the opposite. The orientation of each adjacent glucose molecule is opposite. This structural difference also determines the difference in the properties of cellulose and starch.

5. Compared with hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether hpmc, hydroxypropyl starch ether can significantly increase the initial yield value of tile adhesive, thereby improving its anti-slip performance.