Teeth Whitening Blog by SNOW

07 Nov.,2023


Snow guidelines for our articles:
  • Before being published, our articles are first fact-checked by a designated dentist from our medical review board. If any errors or inaccuracies are found during the medical review process, they will be omitted from the final published article.
  • Our articles link and cite reputable and respectable sources, publications, and resources such as the American Dental Association (ADA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, Web MD, and similar sources.
  • Studies will be linked when it’s appropriate and relevant to the article.
  • Additional Snow blog posts may be linked wherever relevant within our articles to help provide more information.
  • Our writers strive to provide in-depth educational content. We’ll provide as much information as possible for the treatments, conditions, procedures, and oral care topics shared in our articles.
  • Disclaimer: Our articles are written for educational purposes only. Keep in mind that there is no doctor/patient relationship being established. Always consult with your dentist or primary care provider if you have personal concerns. The information provided is not intended to diagnose any medical or dental conditions.

The SNOW team is dedicated to writing articles that are educational and help you feel more confident and informed about your beautiful smile and overall oral health. Many of our insightful articles are medically reviewed and fact-checked by our board of dentists.Snow guidelines for our articles:

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