At-Home Devices Skin Experts Say Actually Work to Improve Skin

16 Nov.,2023


LED light therapy

Delray Beach, FL plastic surgeon Miguel Mascaró, MD says low-level laser light therapy with red LED works very well to improve blood flow to the skin, enhance overall appearance and boost skin health. It “can improve the skin without needing any sort of mechanical treatment such as microneedling, etc.,” he adds. 

Robin Ashley, also known as the Dallas Facialist, notes that LED light therapy is “backed by NASA, literally, so you know it works.” She explains that “the skin uses the LED light as a source of energy to fuel and repair damaged cells and restore optimal cellular function to increase collagen production.” When it comes to a specific device, we heard a few recommendations. Ashley says “the best device for comfort and results” is Omnilux Contour FACE ($395). 

Celebrity makeup artist and aesthetician D’Andre Michael recommends SolaWave. Michael says the SolaWave Skincare Wand with Red Light Therapy & Serum Kit ($169) can address wrinkles, fine lines, wound healing and more. If you opt for the Anti-Breakout Skincare Wand with Blue Light Therapy & Serum Kit ($159), you’ll be able to banish bacteria, breakouts and blemishes. 

Celebrity aesthetician, Shani Darden, suggests LightStim for Wrinkles ($249), which “features 72 LEDs in amber, light red, dark red, and infrared to boost collagen in the skin and minimize fine lines and wrinkles for more youthful, glowing skin.” LightStim for Acne ($169) uses a combination of both red and blue LED lights to calm breakouts and reduce inflammation.

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