6 Signs That It's Time to Replace Your Pool and Spa Filters

30 Jun.,2022

In the summer, you daydream about clocking out and laying out by the pool. However, when your pool a


pool filters

In the summer, you daydream about clocking out and laying out by the pool. However, when your pool appears dirty, it doesn’t exactly live up to that clear, sparkling vision. 

Filters for a pool and spa are important components to keeping them in tip-top shape. If your pool is lacking its former luster, read below for our pool and spa filters guide. Learn what they are and the signs to look out for when they need replacing.  

What Is a Pool and Spa Filter?

Pool and spa filters trap debris, like dirt and leaves, to keep them from being circulated into your pool water. They help ensure that your water is flowing properly while keeping the nasty stuff, like bugs, algae, and bacteria, out. 

Types of Pool and Spa Filters

When choosing a filter for your pool or spa, you want to make sure you are getting the best kind for you to keep things running at peak performance. Let’s take a look at the different types available. 

Sand Filters

Sand filters strain your water through sand to keep it clean. These are effective and affordable options that last five to seven years when cared for correctly.   

DE Filters

DE is short for a diatomaceous earth filter and uses a powder that acts as a small strainer. These are the most expensive option and use the most water, but are also considered the most effective.

Cartridge Pool Filters

This type of filter is comparable to the kind you’d find under your sink. Water will run through the filter and any debris will be trapped inside. These cover a larger amount of surface area than the other options but can have a shorter life span. 

Is It Time To Change Your Filter? 

If you’re experiencing issues with your pool or spa, it might be a good time to change your filter. If you’re unsure if this is the best option, here are some of the red flags that show a filter change might be in order. 

Long Length of Use

Depending on how much you use your pool or hot tub, filters need replacing after a certain amount of time. It’s a good idea to check them often and replace them as suggested by the filter manufacturer.

Filter cartridges often have a use-by date based on their predicted lifespan. If your filter is older than this suggested date, it’s a good idea to be proactive and replace it. 

Clarity of Pool Water

If your pool was once crystal clear and now appears dirty despite your efforts, it may be time to change your filter. If filters for a pool and spa aren’t working, chemicals won’t be effective in clearing up your water. It will begin looking murky after some time.

Losing clarity in your water is a telltale sign you need to check on your filter to see if it needs replacing. Chances are it’s time for a change. If you find your filter is in working order, inspect your pool for other causes of cloudy water. 

Hard Water Build Up

If you have hard water where you live, learning to manage it in your pool or spa is a must. With hard water, you might notice calcium deposits building up on your filter. When this occurs, it’s best to replace the filter.

Poor Performance

When your filter continues to clog, it may have lost its filtering capability. When this occurs, the filter can no longer remove debris in an effective manner. Sometimes, the media inside the filter breaks apart, causing it to underperform. 

If your filter is underperforming, a replacement is often the best route to rectify the problem. 

High Water Pressure

A common warning sign that you have a strained filter is an increase in the pressure readings. If your pool’s filtration system is showing a higher PSI than normal, the culprit is often either blockage in the form of a clogged filter.

If cleaning the filter of potential blockage doesn’t solve the problem, it has likely surpassed its peak performance age and needs replacing. High pressure can lead to cracks in your system, so addressing this issue early on can prolong the life of your entire system. 


Every time you clean your filter, you take the extra time to inspect it for any damages. Rips or tears in the fabric and cracks in the rubber end of the cartridge are all good indicators that there is some significant damage. 

If damage beyond normal wear and tear occurs, the best option is to  replace the filter. 

Cleaning Your Filter

You don’t always need to replace pool and spa filters, but sometimes a good cleaning is in order. Proper filter maintenance will keep everything in your pool or spa in working order. 

Start with keeping your pool or spa clean. Regularly clear baskets, skim debris, and vacuum the floor. This upkeep prevents the filter from excess buildup. 

As for the filter itself, a general rule of thumb is to clean it every three months. This regular cleaning will save your pool from several problems and from having to replace your filter more often. It will also improve the overall quality of your pool by keeping the water clean and the pumps working as they should.

Know When to Replace Pool and Spa Filters

Pool and spa filters are a key part of pool performance and health. It’s important to choose the best filter for your needs and be able to identify when it’s time for a new one. 

If it’s time to buy filters for your pool or spa, we offer an extensive range of high-quality filters. Get your filters and keep your pool in tip-top shape. Now clock out and enjoy a dip in the pool!




